Monday, November 19, 2012

Disgraceful Scene in Cincinnati --- Wendell Phillips Mobbed

CINCINNATI, March 24. – Wendell Phillips attempted to lecture at the Opera House to-night.  He commenced by avowing himself an Abolitionist and Disunionist.  Persons in the galleries then hissed, yelled, and threw eggs and stones, some of them hitting him.  The hissing was kept up for some time, when Phillips finally made himself heard, and proceeded until something again objectionable was said, and again eggs were thrown, hitting him  Phillips proceeded, and for some time was heard, and a third time eggs and stones were thrown, and the crowd moved down stairs, crying “put him out – tar and feather him,” giving groans for the “nigger Wendell Phillips,” and proceeding down the middle aisle toward the stage, were met by some of Phillips’ friends.  Here a fight ensued, amidst the greatest confusion – ladies screaming, crying, jumping over chairs, and falling in all directions.
During the fight Phillips was taken off from the stage by his friends, and the audience moved out.  It is now ten o’clock, and the streets in the vicinity of the Opera House are crowded with excited people, unable to find Phillips.  No one seriously hurt, as far as we can learn.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4

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